Golf Car Maintenance Guidelines

Golf Cart Maintenance Guide: The Ultimate Checklist

Owning a golf cart means investing in its upkeep to ensure a smooth and trouble-free ride. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your cart but also enhances its performance. Follow this comprehensive checklist to keep your golf cart in optimal condition.

1. Charge Your Cart's Batteries Every Day

For electric golf carts, it's essential to keep the batteries charged. Charge your cart after every use to ensure the batteries are always at full capacity. This helps avoid any unexpected downtime and ensures your golf cart is ready for use when you need it.

2. Check the Water Levels in Batteries

Monitor the water levels in your golf cart’s batteries regularly. After charging the batteries, check the water levels and add distilled water if necessary. The water level should be about 1/2 inch above the lead plates. Avoid using tap water as it may contain impurities that could damage the batteries.

3. Clean Batteries

During your water level check, also clean the batteries to remove any dirt or corrosion. Ensure all battery connections are secure. Corrosion can be cleaned with a mixture of baking soda and water, followed by a thorough rinse and dry.

4. Check Tire Pressure

Inspect tire pressure weekly. Properly inflated tires improve performance and safety. Use a tire pressure gauge to ensure they are at the recommended PSI. For street-legal carts, ensure the tires meet the necessary standards and have adequate tread.

5. Inspect Brakes

Regularly check your golf cart’s brakes every few months. Inspect the brake pads, drums, and cables for wear and tear. Properly functioning brakes are crucial for safety and should be adjusted or replaced as needed.

6. Check Steering Wheel

Examine the steering wheel and rack system at least once a year. Grease the steering wheel rack and check the steering yoke system for any loose bolts. Proper lubrication and tight connections ensure smooth handling and prevent steering issues.

7. Battery Replacement

When replacing batteries, do so all at once. Mixing old and new batteries can shorten the lifespan of the new ones due to differing charge cycles. Ensure all batteries are of the same age and type for optimal performance.

8. Inspect Lights and Mirrors

For street-legal carts, check all lights and mirrors regularly. Ensure that turn signals, brake lights, and headlights are functioning properly. If any lights are out, consult the owner's manual to locate and check the fuses.

9. Lubrication Schedule

Regularly lubricate the suspension components and steering mechanism. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for lubrication intervals. If you notice any oil leaks or irregularities, inspect the cart or consult a mechanic.

10. Golf Cart Storage

Proper storage is crucial, especially during the off-season. In winter, winterize your golf cart by protecting it from extreme temperatures and moisture. Store it in a dry, covered area to prevent damage from weather conditions.

11. Visit for Professional Service Every Year

Even with diligent maintenance, some issues may go unnoticed. Schedule an annual professional service to address any potential problems that require expert attention. A trained technician can provide a thorough inspection and service your golf cart effectively.

Quick Checklists

Electric Golf Cart - Quick Checklist

  • Daily: Charge batteries.
  • Weekly: Check battery electrolyte levels.
  • Monthly: Clean batteries, add water if needed, check tire pressure, inspect lights and mirrors, check steering wheel, replace engine oil, inspect fuel system.
  • Yearly: Inspect the brake system, replace if necessary, and arrange annual servicing.

Gas Golf Cart - Quick Checklist

  • Weekly: Check fuel gauge operation and clean fuel cap.
  • Monthly: Inspect gasoline engine, check lights and mirrors, replace engine oil, inspect fuel system for leaks.
  • Yearly: Check and replace fuel and air filters if needed, inspect brakes, exhaust system, fuel filter, and spark plug. Arrange annual servicing.

Final Words

Adhering to these maintenance practices will help ensure that your golf cart remains in excellent condition and provides reliable performance. If you encounter any issues or have concerns, don’t hesitate to contact a professional for advice or repair.

For expert assistance or more information, reach out to JM Precision Golf Carts, where our specialists are ready to help with all your golf cart needs.